Simpozionul de vara de dermatologie editia a II -a
25 - 27 August 2017
în parteneriat cu
Anunță organizarea Simpozionului de Dermatologie de Vară de la București – ediția a doua, care se va desfașura în perioada 25-27 august 2017, la Hotelul Capital Plaza. Începând din anul 2016, manifestarea devine anuală ca o consecință, în bună măsură, a colaborării de succes cu partenerii noștri științifici și a programului propus participanților.
Manifestarea este adresată în primul rând medicilor rezidenți și tinerilor specialiști dermato-venerologi. Anul acesta vor fi aduse în prim plan dermatologia pediatrică, chirugia dermatologică, laserterapia, bolile rare și bolile buloase.
Sesiunile vor fi susținute de personalități ale specialității noastre care vor împărtăși din experința lor clinică și științifică.
Colegilor din Romania li se vor alătura, ca de fiecare dată, colegi din străinătate, printre care se numără:
- Prof Pablo Boixeda – Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spania
- Prof. Paolo Bonan – University of Florence, Italia
- Prof. Piergiacomo Calzavarra Pinton – Universita degli Studi di Brescia, Italia
- Prof. John Katsantonis - Tzanio General Hospital of Pireias, Grecia
- Prof. Stephanie Mallet – Hopital de la Timone, Marseille, Franta
- Prof Branka Marinovic – University Centre Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof. Keyvan Nouri - University of Miami Hospital and Clinics, Florida, SUA
- Prof. Franco Rongioletti - Universita degli Studi di Cagliari, Italia
- Prof. Jacek Szepietowski – University of Medicine,Wroclaw, Polonia
- Prof. Michael Skerlev - University Centre Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof. Erwin Tschachler – Medical University of Vienna, Austria
- Prof. Beatrix Volc-Platzer - Department of dermatology Donauspital, Austria
- Prof. Christos Zouboulis – Freie Universitaet Berlin, Dessau Medical Center, Germania
Cu deosebită considerație,
Conf. Dr. Carmen Sălăvăstru
Președinte Asociația Română de Dermatologie Pediatrică.
Romanian Medical Association
Romanian Association of Paediatric Dermatology
The event is developed under the auspices of
Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Capital Plaza Hotel, Bucharest
54, Iancu de Hunedoara Blv., Bucharest
Research Center of Colentina Clinical Hospital
Sos. Stefan cel Mare 19-21, Bucharest
Romanian Medical Association
Romanian Association of Paediatric Dermatology
The event is developed under the auspices of
Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Capital Plaza Hotel, Bucharest
54, Iancu de Hunedoara Blv., Bucharest
Research Center of Colentina Clinical Hospital
Sos. Stefan cel Mare 19-21, Bucharest
Programul simpozionului
Download full programFRIDAY, AUGUST 25 / Capital Plaza Hotel
- 08:30-09:00 - Registration
- 09:00-10:15 - PAEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY (I), Chair: Carmen Sãlãvãstru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 09:00-09:20 - Emollients: why, when and how (Unrestricted educational grant offered to RAPD by Leo Pharma) Carmen Sãlãvãstru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 09:20-09:40 - Photosensitive disorders in childhood, P. Calzavara-Pinton (Brescia, Italy)
- 09:40-10:10 - Treatment of moderate and severe psoriasis in children? (Unrestricted educational support, offered to RAPD by AbbVie) Simona Georgescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 10:10-10:15 - Q&A
- 10:15-10:45 - RAPD Review: Acne pearls, C. Zouboulis (Dessau, Germany)
- 10:45-11:00 - Coffee Break
- 11:00-12.30 - FUNDAMENTALS IN DERMATOLOGY PRACTICE (I), Chair: S. Georgescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 11:00-11:20 - Tatoos - between fashion and complications, S. Georgescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 11:20-11:40 - Itch 2017, J. Szepietowski (Wroclaw, Poland)
- 11:40-12:10 - Moderate and severe psoriasis: lesson learnt from interleukines (Unrestricted educational grant offered to RAPD by Janssen), Carmen Sãlãvãstru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 12:10-12:30 - Q&A
- 12:30-13:15 - RAPD Review: Common and Easy Flaps and Grafts for Dermatologic Surgery Outpatients, J. Katsantonis (Pireaus, Greece)
- 13:15-14:00 - Lunch, Capital Plaza Hotel
- 14:00-15:30 - DERMATOLOGY HIGHLIGHTS: CASE OF THE YEAR, Chair: S. Popescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 14:00-14:20 - Liniar morphoea in children, S. Cretu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 14:20-14:40 - Chronic bullous disease of childhood, A. Butacu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 14:40-15:00 - Congenital psoriasis, A. Sendrea (Bucharest, Romania)
- 15:00-15:20 - A case of incontinentia pigmenti in a newborn, I. Sarbu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 15:20-15:30 - Q&A
- 15:30-15:45 - Coffee Break
- 15:45- 17:30 - FUNDAMENTALS IN DERMATOLOGY PRACTICE (II), Chairs: C. Ionescu-Târgoviste (Bucharest, Romania), Doina Anca Plesca (Bucharest, Romania)
- 15:45-16:05 - Fundamentals in Dermatology Practice: Treatment of acne: how to avoid pitfalls (Unrestricted educational grant offered to RAPD by Solartium) Carmen Sãlãvãstru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:05-16:25 - Fundamentals in Dermatology and Paediatric Practice: Cardiofaciocutaneous syndromes: the cardiologist's approach, E. Cinteza (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:25-16:45 - Fundamentals in Dermatology and Paediatric Practice: A practical paediatric approach to the diagnosis of hair loss in children and adolescents, D. Plesca (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:45-17:05 - Atopic dermatitis: what's new? (Unrestricted educational grant offered to RAPD by Bayer) I. Manole, (Bucharest, Romania)
- 17:05 - 17:25 - Sclerodermoid disorders (scleroderma mimickers): a hard challenge for dermatologists, F. Rongioletti (Cagliari, Italy)
- 17:25 -17:30 - Q&A
- 17:30-18:00 - RAPD Review: The role of autophagy in skin biology and skin tumors, E. Tschachler (Vienna, Austria)
SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 / Capital Plaza Hotel
- 09:00-10:30 - FUNDAMENTALS IN PAEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY PRACTICE, Chair: B. Volc-Platzer (Vienna, Austria)
- 09:00-09:30 - Barrier function disorders in children, B. Volc-Platzer (Vienna, Austria)
- 09:30-10:00 - The way I deal with ambiguous nevi in children, S. Mallet (Vienna, Austria)
- 10:00-10:30 - Autoimmune blistering diseses in childhood, K. Patsatsi (Thessaloniki, Greece)
- 10:30-10:45 - Coffee Break
- 10:45-12:45 - FUNDAMENTALS IN DERMATOLOGY PRACTICE (III), Chair: J. Sziepietowski (Wroklaw, Poland)
- 10:45-11:15 - The dermatologists and the HIV pandemic, E. Tschachler (Vienna, Austria)
- 11:15-11:45 - Hidradenitis suppurativa: pathogenesis, burden and treatment modalities, J. Szipietowski (Wroclaw, Poland)
- 11:45-12:15 - The value of RCM in the assessment of facial skin neoplasms, V. Ahlgrimm Siess (Graz, Austria)
- 12:15-12:45 - The relevance of viral STIs in the paediatric and adolescent age, M. Skerlev (Zagreb, Croatia)
- 12:45-13:45 - RAPD Review: Reconstructive options after removal of skin cancer: the indications for skin grafts and second intention healing & the art of advancement, rotation and transposition flaps /Mohs surgery, K. Nouri, (Miami, Florida, SUA)
- 13:45-14:30 - Lunch Break
- 15:00 -17:00 - DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY TECHNIQUES: RESEARCH CENTER - COLENTINA CLINICAL HOSPITAL, George-Sorin Tiplica (Bucharest, Romania), K. Nouri (Miami, Florida, USA)
- 14:00-14:20 - Jonctional Epidermolysis bullosa: case presentation, M. Popescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 14:20-14:40 - Epidermolysis bullosa: what's new in therapy, A. Suru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 14:40-15:00 - Emollients - a cornerstone in the treatment of Epidermolysis bullosa, Ioana Pescaru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 15:00-15:20 - Epidermolysis bullosa: pre - and postnatal diagnostic tools, I. Gencia (Timisoara, Romania)
- 15:20-15:30 - Q&A
- 15:30-15:45 - Coffee Break
- 15:45-17:00 - HISTORY OF DERMATOLOGY IN ROMANIA, Chair: S. Popescu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 15:45-16:00 - Professor Pavel Vulcan, V. Benea (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:00-16:15 - Professor Constantin Levaditti, F. Copaci (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:15-16:30 - Professor Aurel Voina - Founder of Cosmetic Dermatology, I. Manole (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:30-16:45 - Academician St. G. Nicolau, L. Nedelcu (Bucharest, Romania)
- 16:45-17:00 - Q&A; Panel discutions
SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 / Capital Plaza Hotel
- 09:00-10:00 - Combined treatments (I): Botulinum toxin in combination with EBD and Lasers, K. Fritz (Landau, Germany)
- 10:00-10:30 - Treatment of hyperpigmentation, P. Bonan (Florence, Italy)
- 10:30-11:00 - Combined treatments (II): Combined procedures for advanced body contouring, K. Fritz (Landau, Germany)
- 11:00-11:15 - Coffee Break
- 11:15-11:45 - Scar treatment: our update, K. Nouri (Miami, USA)
- 11:45-12:15 - Treatment of Vascular lesions, P. Boixeda (Madrid, Spain)
- 12:15-12:45 - Developments in Laser therapy, Carmen Sãlãvãstru (Bucharest, Romania)
- 12:45-13:00 - Q&A; Panel discussions